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Rachel Means '08 was going to be a physician. After graduating from Foxcroft, 她去了戴维森大学,并开始通过医学预科课程实现儿时的梦想, 即使她拿着艺术奖学金继续她的艺术研究. 当她开始在医学预科方面挣扎时,遇到了一些明显的迹象,表明医生不适合她, she resisted letting go of that long-held desire; she pressed on. And, 尽管从小就上美术课,而且才华横溢, 瑞秋承认,她花了一段时间才接受自己作为一名艺术家的身份. 最后,在她大三的时候,在一次去赞比亚的留学旅行后,这些想法实现了. 瑞秋毕业于工作室艺术专业,并开始拥抱她生活的新方向——她建议一生都要坚持这个过程.

毕业后是一个不确定的时期,有各种各样的工作, 有些与她刚刚获得的艺术工作室学位有关,有些则无关, with an interest in medicine. Among them were teaching art, early childhood development teacher, student, Macy’s mattress specialist, volunteer, and art vendor. 她的工作是把艺术的好处带给坦帕综合医院的人们, though, 最终给瑞秋带来了某种顿悟. 她坐在一位住院病人的床边, she realized, “我鼓励人们拥抱他们有创造力的自我,而我自己还没有完全接受这一点.”

认识到这是她人生旅途中的一个转折点,并得到了家人的支持,这对她的一生至关重要, 尤其是在这段时间里,雷切尔转向了她的基督教信仰和圣经, 这帮助她找到了快乐,重新威尼斯彩票游戏了自己的使命. 正是在这个时候,她献身于艺术事业. 

当她对这条新道路变得更加有意识时, she talked to other artists, 被问到作为一个艺术家意味着什么, sought advice, 并决定了她人生旅程的下一步:攻读艺术研究生学位. 瑞秋带着新威尼斯彩票游戏的使命感去了宾夕法尼亚美术学院(PAFA), energy, and joy. She “dove right in” as she says, 不仅上课,还要协调访问艺术家项目. She connected with peers and faculty, participated in art exhibitions, experimented with art installations, 充分利用了费城提供的一切. By graduation, 她很高兴能与家人和朋友分享她的作品,并开始走向新的艺术视野.

Her first stop after graduation was Austin, TX, 她是黛博拉·罗伯茨的工作室助理, 她是她在PAFA协调项目的访问艺术家之一. From there, she participated in group exhibitions, was the Artist-in-Residence in Carrizozo, NM, and then, coming full circle, 是贝尔顿玛丽-哈丁·贝勒大学的客座艺术家吗, TX. 混合媒介和装置现在是她选择的技术. 绘画成为瑞秋反思她的混合媒介作品的一种方式, ultimately becoming pieces themselves.

One of her recent installations titled, Stillness, What Lies Beneath, 是一个虚拟展览和与其他几位艺术家的合作吗, including a videographer and a musician. She says, “It was shared out of faith, passion, calling, support, collaboration, frustration, excitement, loss, pain, love, 看到它的完成,我感到非常自豪.她最近的装置作品是一个拖车大小的笼子,全天候暴露在自然环境中. Titled Overgrown, 她想用铁丝和植物来对抗和超越笼子的限制, mostly star jasmine. This project was on display for several months, so some days it felt like an obligation, and others, 照料这些植物是一种温柔的体验,这是她没有预料到的. In the end, as the project was being taken down, 艺术家朋友们把一些植物带回了自己的工作室, and so Overgrown lives on through them.

As her talk wound down, 瑞秋分享了一些重要而明智的建议:“无论你走的是哪条路, it really will take unexpected turns. I think with those unexpected turns, 重要的是要有意识,然后对自己有耐心.她还建议我们要感激那些看到我们自己身上还没有看到的东西的人, whether that’s family, friends, or faculty. 她恳求我们休息,不要放弃,并提醒我们,我们的存在很重要.

Inspired by a poem by Rupi Kaur entitled, “The Sun and Her Flowers,” the final piece Rachel shared is called Falling, Rooting, Rising. 她强调,我们的旅程将包括这三件事, perhaps in a different order, perhaps with added elements, just as her journey has, 鼓励我们每个人拥抱这个过程,享受它如何展开.

由73岁的Austi Brown于2007年创立,以纪念她的母亲, Helen Cudahy Niblack ' 42艺术系列讲座旨在带来各种各样的好, literary, performing, 以及实用的艺术家和设计师来威尼斯彩票游戏分享他们的作品, the nature of the creative process, 以及学生和社区对艺术追求的广度. 它赞助了一位百老汇演员和导演的访问, a champion cowboy poet, hip-hop artists from Senegal and New York, musicians, storytellers, and more. 

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